This page covers the birth, development and awards won by my third book, 'Shattered Pieces Can Still Shine' - Georgie's story

The beginning of my journey

Welcome to my first fiction novel. I'm been learning as I go along by doing the Author Learning Centre Book in a Year course as I did for my memoir. The process for writing a work of fiction is very different but very fascinating. You map out the storyline by first having an inkling of an idea and then carrying out a 'What if?' excercise. I knew I wanted to write a historical novel set in post WW2 England. It had to be centred in a small but straggling village where there had been no bombing, and all its soldiers returned safely. I found a village in Cumberland that fit this description. I wanted it to be about the life of a little girl born to a soldier and his girlfriend. After 2 hours of 'What iffing' I had the whole story mapped out. Magic!

Since then, I've learned about the fundamentals of writing fiction, how to create captivating characters; how to write dialogue that deepens characters; how to show, not tell; and the techniques of how to tell a story from different points of view. I've learned and am still learning so much, and trying to put it into practice as I write.

Progress by the beginning of March 2021

I've written 39 chapters to date (March 2021) and my editorial group is keeping me on my toes by reading my work and providing constructive and honest feedback, which is invaluable. 

I've also been busy marketing SHATTERED PIECES on social media since I began writing - yes, it's important to do that from the very start. 

Next I'll move on to the self-publishing process. That's another story altogether - one that new for me - although having mastered the same process for my phonics picture storybooks, I'm hoping the learning curve won't be too painful.

So for now, rejoice with me, and look forward to another Gloria Eveleigh book to read in a few months time.


I've completed my first draft of "Shattered Pieces can Still Shine - Georgie's story". My amazing editorial group has corrected, edited and fedback as all 42 chapters have been written. I've had a week or two of grieving my characters as they have a rest - for the time being anyway?!




Maincrest Media Award

Book Excellence Award

- 8th May 2022

Readers Favourite Book Award

Total points awarded = 20 out of 20


Much more exciting is that I've selected my book cover (see the post below).

I conducted a poll on social media to select the book cover for  'Shattered Pieces can still Shine'. Which would you have chosen?

I can reveal that the public chose the bright yellow one on the right below, so that is the one I've officially adopted. Thank you to all those that took part.

Having commissioned a professional assessment of my manuscript and received a very positive report, I have been busy implementing the editor's suggestions and carrying out my very last copy edit. I feel I could almost recite the whole book off by heart now, having read it through so many times. My final step before publishing is to hand over the manuscript to a good friend of mine with eyes that can spot any final spelling or grammar mistakes from a mile off. She will be, in effect, the person that adds the final polish to my little gemstone before it is published.

So everything is still on schedule for a September launch of 'Shattered Pieces can Still Shine - Georgie's story'. It feels like it's been a long time coming but I know it's a good read, so I'm excited to get it published on Amazon for all my readers to enjoy.


- 2nd AUGUST 2021

I managed to get through the publishing process on KDP, and SHATTERED PIECES CAN STILL SHINE is now for sale on Amazon for £8.50 (paperback) and £1.77 (ebook). Now to arrange a launch celebration for my lovely Editorial Group. It won't be easy with so much covid around but it would be great to have a prosecco party in the garden.

Review by Tammy Ruggles for Readers' Favourite

Now comes the boring bit. Several readthroughs to make sure the manuscript is as good as it can get before I commission a professional structural editor to refine and polish it into the shining gem it will become..



Our attention was caught by your book that is available in some resellers online. Some of the independent scouts and book agents who also randomly check out past published titles found a very good potential in your book titled " 'Shattered Pieces Can Still Shine - Georgie’s story" for its overall content and idea. We also noticed it has a very good cover design. Congratulations. Good job on that!

STOP PRESS - December 2024

'Shattered Pieces Can Still Shine' is a WINNER in the International Impact Book Awards

"Dear Gloria,

Congratulations on your incredible accomplishment! Being selected as a winner at the International Impact Book Awards is a testament to your exceptional talent, dedication, and creativity. Your work has truly made an impact, and it is our honor to celebrate this remarkable achievement with you.

We are thrilled to invite you to the International Impact Book Awards Gala, happening on February 23, 2025, at the Courtyard Phoenix Downtown. This exclusive event is your moment to shine, as you receive your award in person and join a vibrant community of distinguished authors, publishers, media professionals, and industry leaders."

My home in the UK is a long way from Phoenix, so sadly I'll not be able to attend. But I posted my news on the Pitch to Publish website, an American Writers Group of which I'm a member, and so many of my writer colleagues celebrated with me that I really don't feel a need to attend the Gala. Feeling proud of myself.


December 2024

Shattered Pieces can still Shine has won its second award in less than one month: A Global Book Award Finalist.